Grant round updates
Round 1
Milestone reports
Round 1 and Round 2 milestone reports must be submitted on the EMDG online portal for expenditure incurred during the 2022-23 financial year. Milestone reports must be submitted to the EMDG online portal from Monday 10 July 2023 until 31 October 2023.
Please remember that we must assess your milestone report before we can pay you. We will assess milestone reports in the order we receive them. Inaccurate bank account details will cause delays in payments. Please ensure your details are accurate and up to date.
All grantees must submit a milestone report. If you have already received a grant payment for expenditure incurred in 2022-23, you still must submit your milestone report.
EMDG Strategic refocus – consultation
Status: The consultation period opened on 5 July 2023 and closed on 11 August 2023, 5:00 pm AEST.
Why do we need to refocus EMDG?
The government is committed to ensuring the EMDG program:
- increases the number of new exporters
- supports market diversification
- remains a sustainable program into the future.
The government has also committed to strategically refocusing the program. This is to better support Australian exporters to develop new markets in line with the government’s trade diversification priorities.
The EMDG Operational Review in 2022 told us we needed to balance the level of interest in the EMDG program with available funding. This is to allow the program to deliver meaningfully for Australian businesses.
Austrade sought feedback from EMDG recipients, business and other interested stakeholders.
Round 2
Milestone reports
Round 1 and Round 2 milestone reports must be submitted on the EMDG online portal for expenditure incurred during the 2022-23 financial year. Milestone reports must be submitted to the EMDG online portal from Monday 10 July 2023 until 31 October 2023.
Please remember that we must assess your milestone report before we can pay you. We will assess milestone reports in the order we receive them. Inaccurate bank account details will cause delays in payments. Please ensure your details are accurate and up to date.
All grantees must submit a milestone report. If you already received a grant payment for expenditure incurred in 2022-23, you still must submit your milestone report.
As at 22 June 2023, we paid $35 million in total to 1,714 Round 2 grantees for expenditure incurred in 2022-23.

Round 3
We are currently assessing Round 3 applications and advising applicants of the outcome.
As at 22 June 2023, we have assessed 1,846 Round 3 applications. This is 85% of the total Round 3 applications (2,184).
Grant Agreements
We will start issuing grant agreements to eligible Round 3 applicants from the end of June 2023. We endeavour to issue all grant agreements as soon as possible during July 2023. We will issue grants agreements for:
- one year to successful applicants who planned expenditure for the 2023-24 financial year
- two years to successful applicants who planned expenditure over 2023-24 and 2024-25.
Changes in Round 3 include the following:
- Grant agreements will be for 1 year with a possible extension subject to the availability of funds. This is to ensure we can better manage the available funding in future.
- We have updated the definition of strategic shift for Tier 3 grantees. This is based on feedback that the definition needed to be clearer and to focus on market diversification.
- Austrade requires businesses meet their taxation obligations and comply with all relevant Australian Taxation Office (ATO) legislation, rulings, and guidelines. During the assessment process we may ask businesses to give evidence they have satisfied their tax obligations. We will use this information as part of the application assessment.
Recommended EMDGS Consultant
Exportise is the leading export consultancy firm in Australia. We formed in 1977 to assist Australian exporters to develop their international markets and to advise Australian businesses how to access export grants and other forms of financial assistance.
In the decades since, Exportise has helped thousands of Australian exporters – we are the market leader both in terms of clientele and the value of clams processed.
Whatever you are taking to the world, we’re here to help. We are the experts in exports.