Nano-additives for Agriculture

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About EDEN BDM Limited

EDEN BDM Limited (hereinafter ‘EDEN’) is an Australian-based Company operating in the Science & Technology sector with a strong R&D focus on innovating and commercialising new business opportunities in lucrative niches across diverse industry sectors, principally Energy, Communications, Computing, Transport, Aerospace, Construction, Agriculture, and Healthcare. The EDEN NanoTech Program involves development and manufacture of high value Nano Materials & Applications that serve these niches. We hold exclusive global access rights to use a patented nano-fabrication technology (PAN-FSP) that offers sustainable product differentiation and commercial benefit, and we have established an R&D Laboratory and Nano-Fabrication Facility at the Australian EDEN NanoTech Centre in Melbourne utilising the patented technology. Our business is backed by highly credentialed in-house research, planning, development, engineering, and commercialisation expertise that enables us to target, innovate, and develop new beneficial product and business opportunities matching our vision, and successfully manage The EDEN NanoTech Program to deliver high operating margins with sustained growth and an effective Quality Assurance & Safety focus.

Australian EDEN NanoTech Centre

Our unique Australian NanoTech Centre in Melbourne uses patented PAN-FSP (Pulse-Assisted Nozzle using Flame Spray Pyrolysis) Nano-Fabrication Technology. PAN-FSP was developed in Australia at CSIRO Laboratories and provides a versatile method for rapid large-scale low-cost production of Premium Nano Materials for virtually any type of nano-structured compound and chemistry. The Melbourne Facility incorporates an advanced R&D Laboratory complete with Scientific Equipment and Accessories, a Secured Cleanroom Facility, a Safe Materials Handling Storeroom, High Standard Air Quality Filtration, Computerised Production-Line Equipment, High & Low Capacity PAN-FSP Nano-Fabrication Rigs, Product Integration Equipment, and Quality Control, Monitoring & Test Facilities. All production parameters and functions are computer-controlled via software with manual override and monitoring instrumentation. Each production line is capable of producing 100kg daily (more than 30 tonnes annually) of High-Grade Bulk Nanopowders, or a lesser amount of Composite High Value Nano-Structured Materials (depending on product composition design needs).

Lucrative Niches

The market in nano additives for agriculture is a rapidly emerging area that EDEN has been exploring new relationships in. Early-stage testing has shown nano materials can substantially improve the growth rates of plants and in particular food crops such as wheat and barley and cotton. EDEN has earmarked the hemp and medicinal cannabis industries as first targets and is engaged in discussions on research projects with several leading players in the field, including Extractas Bio Science. This project will be linked to our Bell Bay initiative since Tasmania is home to extensive cannabis farms. With the medicinal cannabis industry experiencing global growth rates exceeding those of the dot com boom, we see this industry as being a potential cash cow for EDEN well into the future.


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